Laura Foster
Life & Leadership Coach
Laura was facing the most difficult season of her life: she was leaving a role she’d been in for nearly two decades … and being a fashion designer was central to her identity.
“Without Jen, I’d probably still be in that job,” she laughed. “It was very traumatic to leave. After my masters program, I was trying to build my coaching career, but it was really hard, and leaving my fashion career behind was even harder.”
Laura needed help to see herself as a coach, and to build her confidence as a business owner. She also craved business advice that would actually help—after watching plenty of her friends pay for programs that didn’t get them results.
“Jen is different than anything else out there,” she said. “She teaches a modality of business building that actually works. She helped me take my business from 2 clients to a full roster of 10, but more importantly, she helped me see my role in the transformations my clients experienced.”
It was seeing her place in the market—that she was actually helping people—that propelled Laura’s business forward.
“As coaches it’s really easy not to take credit—we understand that our clients accomplishments are a result of their actions, but Jen helped me see that those actions were a result of the work I was doing with them, and that really helped build my confidence.”